PH is a word that many people talk about, so what vày you guys know about it? What is pH? Does pH have an effect on us? How to measure pH in water? How to reduce pH in water How is it done? All the above questions will be answered in the article below.

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What is pH?

According lớn Wikipedia, pH is an index used to lớn measure the activity cấp độ of H + ions in aqueous solution through the action of an electrolyte constant.

All liquid solutions have their own pH, & it affects how harmful or beneficial the solution is.

PH scale

Some examples of pH in water

PH in domestic water

Domestic water includes many different sources such as rain water, groundwater, spring water, ... Which have been treated to lớn put into use through the standards of the Ministry of Health.

Common pH in domestic water is about 7.5

PH in bottled water

The pH of bottled water must comply with the safety standards of the Ministry of Health (qcvn 6-1: 2010 / byt) khổng lồ ensure the best human health.

The pH in bottled water is between 6.5 and 7.5

The pH in water of the RO filter

RO filter is a fairly popular filter in our country, almost every household now has.

Water filtered from an RO filter has a pH between 5 và 7

The pH of drinking water is alkaline

Alkaline water is an increasingly familiar name & has become a fairly popular drinking water choice today.

Alkaline water is made from water purifiers with a pH between 8 và 9.

With a moderate pH in water, this not only helps to lớn maintain the best pH inside the body, but also reduces the aging process. From there, people can prevent a number of diseases such as cancer, ...

How lớn measure pH in water

Use a màu sắc indicator

This method will basically be broken down into 2 sub-methods:

Method 1: Compare the standard color of a sample with a known pH value with the màu sắc of the indicator that you use khổng lồ measure embedded in the solution.

Method 2: Use paper soaked in the indicator soaked in the solution under test. Then compare its màu sắc with the original standard color. This is a simpler method, but the accuracy is not high.

Measure the pH with litmus paper

This is the method that is used a lot, as it is very simple and easy to lớn implement.

Just add the solution lớn litmus paper & then monitor the discoloration phenomenon of the paper, we will know what pH màn chơi in water is.

If the litmus paper turns red, the solution is acidic.

If the litmus paper turns green, the solution is basic.

We can rely on màu sắc palettes lớn identify the pH through the màu sắc change of anemone. The results of this method are only approximate when used.

Litmus paper is used lớn measure pH

PH meter

For more accurate and convenient pH determination. The man who invented the pH meter.

This is the fastest and most effective pH measuring product, with high accuracy và fast measurement time.

Compact design, fits in the handle so we can easily use as well as store and maintain.

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The machine is widely used, making it possible to lớn measure difficult patterns.

Checking machine chất lượng is easy by using standard solutions for calibration.

PH meter

PH meter

The pH meter is divided into two categories:

Soil pH meter: used to measure the pH of different soil types. Help in choosing the right crop for the soil type.

Water pH meter: used lớn measure the pH of the solutions. The pen has a probe, when we want to lớn measure the pH we just need to dip the probe into the solution. Then wait for the results.

Water pH meter

How does pH of water affect?

Affect human health

According lớn regulations on domestic water unique required by the Ministry of Health, the pH of water must be in the range of 6 khổng lồ 8.5.

However, it is recommended that if drinking water with a pH lower than 7, it is harmful to lớn human health because it is acidic in water, which can cause abrasion of the needles as well as indirectly affect health..

If the pH is too low, it means water is acidic, it will cause the following health effects: Inflammation & even stomach ulcers, joint diseases, skin diseases, oily skin, diseases hemorrhoids, ...

If the pH is too low, it means water is basic, it will cause health problems such as kidney stones, chronic cystitis, high cholesterol levels, constipation, ...

How pH affects

Affects organisms that live in water

The pH of water has a great influence on the organisms living in them.

The appropriate pH during the day should not fluctuate more than 0.5. If the fluctuation is too great, it will make shrimp & fish in shock và become not eaten.

If the pH is high or low, prolonged it will make the shrimp grow slowly, easily stunted và infected. A suitable pH for black tiger shrimp is between 7.8 & 8.5

How lớn reduce pH in water

A high pH has a lot to do with health, so we need to lớn ensure a balanced pH. Here are some ways to help lower pH in water.

Use rain water

This is a fairly natural method. In rainwater there is a small acid content with a pH of only about 4 to 5 degrees.

Besides, rainwater is completely natural and has little impurities, which is quite safe lớn use.

Using rainwater khổng lồ mix with water with a high pH will help lower the pH of the water.

Use of chemicals

Several types of solutions are available from the manufacturer for pH reduction.

Nowadays, these types of solutions are sold very popularly in aquarium shops or other places used to lớn treat industrial wastewater.


Refer How lớn reduce pH in water with the concepts around pH in the above article. Hope that the information we tóm tắt will help you.