In the morning/ at the morning/ at morning

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Bạn đang xem: In the morning/ at the morning/ at morning

In the morning of 19 April 2016, Taliban militants attacked a security team.


On the morning of 19 April 2016, Taliban militants attacked a security team .



"on" is the correct preposition and "in" is the incorrect one for this case.

Xem thêm: Xe Ô Tô Hoạt Hình Ảnh Ô Tô Hoạt Hình Ô Tô, Hình Ảnh Xe Ô Tô Hoạt Hình

"The morning of" functions as an adjectival phrase clarifying the specific time và date "on 19 April 2016". "On" is used because it belongs lớn the date here, specific part of the day.

The normal language constructions would be:

on + date (with the year or without it) or day of the weekin + morning, afternoon, evening (in the morning, in the evening)

But, when we talk about a specific morning, afternoon, or when we describe the part of the day it should be used with on:

on the morning of ,

You can"t say "I will see you on the morning" - it"s incorrect.

here"s the proof:

In or on?

We use in with morning, afternoon, evening và night, but we use on when we talk about a specific morning, afternoon, etc., or when we describe the part of the day.

nói qua
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edited Jun 15 "20 at 7:40

answered Apr 21 "16 at 11:51

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