Author:Publisher:Edition/Format: Summary:
Ken Kesey; Anh Tuan Nguyen
Ha Noi, nước ta : Van Hoc, 2001.

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Print book : VietnameseView all editions and formats

A boisterous, brawling, fun-loving rebel swaggers into the ward of a mental hospital and takes over. He"s a profane, life-loving fighter who rallies the other patients around him by challenging the dictatorship of Big Nurse.

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Genre/Form: Document Type: All Authors / Contributors: OCLC Number: Description: Other Titles: Responsibility:
Vietnamese language materialsFiction
Ken Kesey; Anh Tuan Nguyen
435 pages
One flew over the cuckoo"s nest
translator, Nguyen Anh Tuan.


A boisterous, brawling, fun-loving rebel swaggers into the ward of a mental hospital and takes over. He"s a profane, life-loving fighter who rallies the other patients around him by challenging the dictatorship of Big Nurse.

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